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Excellence In Manufacturing

We aims to secure competitive advantages through differentiation and achieve maximum value through continuous growth together with customers.

The EMS Solution Provider

Mobile, Tablet  Manufacturing, SUB Assembly, IFA Assembly, SMD Board 

We provides the latest manufacturing technology based on advanced electronic device manufacturing experience. We always do our best in order to reinforce cost, quality, competitiveness in delivery time with preemptive response Customer's demand change due to rapidly changing industrial environment and efficiency of manufacturing operation.
Sub Ass'y
Sub Ass'y is a pre-assembly process for mobile phones and tablets. It produce with combination front, braccket and rear Ass'y. We apply foolproof process  through JIG production in the all assembly area, which leads stable manufacturing quality and 100% functional inspection so that we are growing with our customers based on trust.
SMD set the system for optimizing and upgrading
facilities. We keep 85% operation efficiency and
96.5%  LOB by monitoring all lines. We set smart
lines with smart line control center, a real-time
material management system.

Hansol Technics Korea

Hansol Electronics Viet Nam

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